
The Goal of Advertisement Translation: With Reference to C-E/E-C Advertisements

Ying Cui 1
Author Information & Copyright
1City University of Hong Kong

Copyright ⓒ 2016, Sejong University Language Research Institue. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Jan 01, 2017


Advertisements have a clear goal to promote a product or service by appealing to the audience, so the conditions of target readers must be considered. Thus, there are various restrictions for advertising, including people’s habits and customs, religion and beliefs, morals and ethics, laws in the target place, and linguistic or stylistic requirement. A translated advertisement is supposed to promote a product or service in the target culture. In this sense Skopos theory can be applied, for it pays great attention to purpose of translation, and holds that, as long as the purpose of translation can be realized, the translation is successful. Guided by this theory, we will summarize five points to be considered in advertisement translation. First, there is no need to stick to linguistic equivalence, for the dominant rule is the skopos rule. Second, the translated advertise- ments should be both textually and intertextually coherent in order that the readers can understand and trust them. Third, habits and customs, religion and beliefs, morals and ethics of the target audience should be considered and respected. Fourth, the relevant laws and regulations in the target culture should be observed. Fifth, the stylistic requirement of advertisements should be met.

Keywords: goal; advertising translation; skopos theory



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