
Toward the Third Millennium: One WWL(World Wide Language) via WCO(WorId Communication Organization)

Soon-bok Kim 1
Author Information & Copyright
1Sejong University

Copyright ⓒ 2016, Sejong University Language Research Institue. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Jan 01, 2017


This paper is concerned with the vision of a world community in which the same global language, whether it is natural, artificial, or combinational, is used for communication and transfer of information. This includes concepts and principles of how such a goal can be achieved.

It is not intended to ignore or deny the fact that English in our times--- by being the most widely used vehicle of global communication and intellectual discourse---connects the countries, languages, and cultures of our planet. It is, in fact, clearly recognized that along with Spanish, French, and Portuguese. English has a formidable impact over the existence of many societies and their way of thinking. In leading these other languages. English continues to routinely export, primarily through education, values of European culture and civilization to more than half of the world's countries.

It is not the aim of this paper to oppose the cultivation or preservation of any of some 6,000 to 7,000 existing oral languages. However, it is proposed that a way be found for making global communication easier and more accessible to everyone, particularly to those who are disadvantaged for whatever reasons. In many cases, it is political backwardness, lack of educational facilities, economic underdevelopment, regional impoverishment, or a combination of these (largely Third-World syndromes), something depriving large portions of various populations from adequate access to global communication and transfer of information. It is also proposed that this avenue be sought out in terms of economy, rationality, and efficiency at the global level under philanthropic commissions of a world organization under a possible designation like WCO (World Communication Organization).



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