Evolution of the Pattern of Pronouns and Pronominal Adverbs in Artificial Language
Published Online: Jan 01, 2017
Changes in the usage of the inanimate personal pronoun ĝi in real Esperanto, and some peculiarities in the usage of the generic pro- noun oni, are addressed. The a-priori and a-posteriori principles in the correlative table of pronouns and pronominal adverbs are touched upon. Some changes in the usage of the particle of proximity ĉi have been reported, especially in relation to syntagmatics / paradigmatics interaction. Cases of combining tabular and non- tabular morphemes into one word are examined. Esperanto is com- pared to other natural and artificial languages. The strong and weak points of Esperanto are analyzed. Suggestions for a new artificial language are given. The conclusion is that the pattern of pronouns and pronominal adverbs has developed into an open system. All the changes described in the article provide evidence of Esperanto as a living language.
